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Buckle Up - episode 6: An LGBT erotic romance Page 2

  “Sounds like a great first date. Shame you had a rethink.” I wink.

  He giggles, a light joyous sound against the backdrop of total freedom. “I bought a few pieces. I hope you like them.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? I have a new bike and the gear to ride it, a weekend away with the most maddeningly gorgeous man in the world and then you buy me a wardrobe too?”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying our date. Now come with me, let me show you the next part.” I take off down the slippy bank.


  The waterfall, or the sequence of waterfalls as there are at least eight, thunder down their rock track. It’s the start of spring, so the water thumps down, smashing over algae ridden rocks, before launching onto the next drop in a flurry of silvery spray. It spans wide at the belly, more slender towards the top, some thirty feet above.

  There’s a pungency in the air from the moist trees and moss which invades the display, limiting sunlight from permeating.

  “Elliott, this is breathtaking. Did you know this was here?”

  “Yeah. This is my quiet place. You can dive in the lagoon down there.” He points to a clearing on our right, one I’d not yet noticed, having been hypnotized by the majesty of the pounding water to our left.

  “It’s a bit too raw for that at this time of the year.” I envision the depths of that rock pool, formed from the power of this spray.

  “Yeah, it’s freezing in summertime. But fun. Today would not be fun. But I still needed to bring you here.”

  “Thank you.” We pause, arm in arm, savoring the view. The sun sparkles off the water in the distance, and I can imagine it would be terrific with a picnic in the summer. “We’ll have to come back when the weather is better.”

  “For sure. I don’t get here as often as I’d like, but now I have an incentive. This is no longer my special place, it’s ours.”

  I’ve spent plenty of my life outside over the years, tinkering with fragments of cars in unheated garages, but the clear sky is forcing even the ends of my toes numb.

  “Shall we go get warm?” I lean my head and raise my eyebrows.

  “Hmm, that could be arranged.” The smile he offers reveals that he realizes exactly what is on my mind.

  I light a fire when we’re back and once it’s crackling nicely, I nestle on a few logs. “That should keep us going.”

  “I’ve turned on the electric blanked too.” Elliott motions towards the cable I’d missed previously. “You wanna come and test it out?”

  Oh do I? “Erm, yeah!” I strip my clothes off by the fire and bounce onto the mattress, stark bollock naked.

  Elliott’s eyes widen, “Righty-oh, that’s how it’s going to be then!” he shrugs his jeans down his legs mirroring my lightning speed.

  “I told you, I’m ready for more.” I let my sentence hang.

  He seizes me, “Well, come here then.” I topple onto my back legs up high, laughing. “Now, that’s perfect, stay like that.” He hooks my ankles over his shoulders as he hovers over me, powerful arms either side of my head and then lowers to kiss me. As he presses into me, our bodies seal, but only for a few seconds as we tussle, passion re-igniting sparks that have only been dormant a few hours and need little rekindling. Limbs everywhere, I enclose his waist in my legs, locking him in, drawing him in against me and loading my tongue between his lips. Our mouths are full, sharing everything of ourselves, moaning and rapid fire breath escaping our nostrils as we breathe like each intake of air was our last.

  We tumble over the bed, rolling around in each other’s space. One on top for a few seconds before being conquered by the magnitude of passions from the other. The demand to feel and be felt fighting any sense of decency.

  Elliott grabs the lube, “Are you ready?” He gulps.

  I nod as he backs up, oiling my throbbing length, swirling his hand. He plunges his head between my limbs, chases his tongue over my balls, drinking them both lightly into his mouth whilst advancing the movement of his hand, deliberately, on my cock. This fingers tighten, my penis enlarges and suddenly his tongue is rotating my sensitive nerves around my rosebud. Messages pound towards my shaft and it strengthens in response, thickening then threatening to burst. As he teases my entrance, I close my eyes, ease into the occasion. He swipes a sliver of lube over my crack and the expectation is electric.

  “Do it, Elliott.”


  I relax and press my knees wide, waiting for him to enter me. He levers his finger in, working it around and when he catches my prostate, a streak of denotations explode in my head. He’s still massaging my cock, withdrawing his finger, rimming round my entrance, squelching back in against my natural lubricant, forcing me wider to prepare for him to insert a second digit. He twists deeper, his hand driving my dick faster.

  I catch his wrist, “Slow down.”

  He snickers, “I’m sorry.” He slips his fingers out from my butt and stretches out on top of me whilst I recover my composure, kissing my collarbone, my neck and nibbling the lobe of my ear. His chin bristles against my sensitive skin, alight from surplus stimulation.

  My heart rate slows, and I brush my hand over his sleek chest, touching as his muscles work, his thumb strokes my face. I peg a wispy blond curl behind his ear, then hold his face in both my hands and marvel. If he weren’t so toned, his face would be delicate, but now they’re transformed though a lifetime of gymming and a rigid diet into chiseled, broad features. His neck, wide and heavy to tolerate the G-force should be out of proportion, but instead it accents his looks.

  I drop my hand to it, stroke over his beard and touch his Adam’s apple with the back of my hand. He tips back his head allowing me to explore.

  “Lie down on your front.” My voice is warm, it’s a request, not an order.

  He nods, moves away before turning on his stomach splaying his legs so I’m sitting between him.

  I lean down and draw his butt cheeks apart and sink my tongue as far inside him as there is space. Pushing until I can reach no deeper, the aching between my legs is driving me nuts. He sighs as I serve him, raises his hips and I drive in a little further.

  I lube his hole, and my finger and I slide in, straight past my knuckle and up to his spot which I know will send him wild. He cries out, pumps into the bed, I sink further, harder against his mound of nerves.

  “Fuck me, Kyle.” He roars out between pants.

  Slipping the condom over me, I steady his hips with both fists, stretching him apart again, and then, I groan; I glide my cock between his butt and into his most exclusive place. His reaction is sensational, the moan which emanates from his mouth is pure filth mixed with relief at us finally being together in this way. I pump deeper.

  “Oh, God, I can’t believe you’re finally inside me,” He groans, holding still to let me work as I feel confident. Allowing me to take him as I choose, to learn my new skills at my pace. This dynamic man is giving everything of himself to me, for my pleasure.

  My courage is building, “Lift your hips.” I pull him a little higher.

  The space between his body and the bed allows him the capacity to grip of his cock and handle it as my speed increases from behind.

  “You’re so fucking hot Elliott.” I groan as the intensity around my penis surges and I let go, shooting my statement of faith in our relationship right inside a man who has shot my life upside down. I buck against him with a rumble and one final punch and he cums all over the sheet with a groan.


  I saved that place for someone extraordinary, but little did I realize what kind of trip we’d have when I finally took the plunge and shared it with Kyle. We’re heading to his flat to collect some bits and then we’ll sleep at mine before work again in the morning. The entire journey home has been awesome. The already strong connection has further strengthened and we’re cruising back, taking in the view and communicating through sign language.

  I could get microphones so we can speak, but that changes a social trip into a reminder of work. Plus, I really rather like the old school practice.

  Our bikes pull into the parking lot outside Kyle’s apartment block. It’s nothing exceptional, but he has no need to be apologetic. It’s a bit run down, I’ll give him that. But, considering where I was brought up, this is a palace. I leave my helmet on, only removing it once we enter the anonymity of his flat.

  “Sorry, the place is a mess. I’ve not been here much lately and so I’ve only nipped in and out.” He lingers in the tiny hallway.

  “Hey, it’s OK. I don’t care.” I reply.

  “I’ll just grab some things.” He motions to a door which opens onto a narrow bedroom hosting a bed and a chest of drawers. He’s busy rooting around in one of them when the buzzer goes for the communal entrance.

  “Answer that would you, it’ll be someone who has forgotten their keys again. It happens all the time.”

  I press the button commissioning entry as Kyle finishes packing his holdall. He opens the door to leave.

  “Hey, aren’t you going to show me around?” I ask.

  “Erm, sure, yeah, if you want?”

  He leads the way into a cramped lounge with a TV and sofa squashed into a corner. The kitchenette is set up across the rear wall.

  “It suits me for now, get me back on my feet again.” He peers at his feet, tipping his head and curling one side of his mouth up. My soul bursts with the humility in that act. I swear to myself that in the future he’ll never have to worry about anything.

  Sometimes I hate being wealthy because it has the capacity to belittle people you care about. It is also appallingly skilled in attracting more hangers on than is healthy for one’s self esteem, but that’s an aside. I hate how Kyle feels because his hard work is paid at a different rate to mine.

  I amble over to him, “It’s OK. I just got lucky, and I’ve not had a divorce to grapple with.”

  He glances up, shows me a quick lopsided half smile and then buries his hands either side of my head, and tows me in for a serious kiss.


  Kyle pulls back, eyes wide, “Fuck!”

  We both spin around. An older man is standing in the heart of Kyle’s living room. He’s a little rounder than Kyle, but he shares his generous nose and tanned skin. I catch the dismay or it could be disgust on his face, before he whirls round and heads out of the front door and down the communal passageway.

  “Dad!” Kyle runs out.

  The man doesn’t stop, and I’m left alone and dithering in his living room before deciding I should also follow.

  “Dad, wait.” Kyle repeats, by now at the end of the corridor. the old man smashes into the door for the stairwell, shouting back at Kyle without turning.

  “You’re sick, don’t ever call me that again.”


  “Dad, let me explain.” I try. I realize it’s pointless, but we’re heading down the corridor of our flats faster than my Old man has moved in the last twenty-five years. He has a ferret up his ass and I’m the one that stuck it there. When my Dad gets like this, it’s never good.

  By the time I catch him, we’re in the lobby. I snatch his arm. He reels, his face crimson, eyes bulging.

  “Is this who you’ve become, Kyle?”

  “I’ve not become anyone, this is who I am, Dad. I’ve not changed, other than to be truly content.”

  “Well, you’re no child of mine, I will not be caught up in this kind of impiety.”

  “Dad, you are not involved in it.”

  “No, I am not, that’s why after today, you are on your own Kyle. I want no part of your life anymore.”

  “Aren’t you bothered about me? Elliott makes me happy.”

  “You had a perfectly good wife, and you had to leave her. For this?”

  “No, not for this. I left Madeline before Elliott and I got together. We met through work.”

  Elliott, who had remained in the shadows by the staircase, strides forward to introduce himself. “Mister Beaumont, I’m Elliott. Maybe we could have a conversation inside Kyle’s apartment?”

  Elliott holds his hand towards my Dad, who overlooks it. Instead, he points a finger towards Elliott’s nose, “Don’t you speak to me. Corrupting my Kyle like this. I have nothing to discuss with you, nor him.” He spins to face me and spits the words, zeroing in on my eyes.

  “That’s a bit harsh, Mister Beaumont. I understand this is a bit of a shock, but allow us to at least explain.” Elliott tries again.

  “I have seen with my own eyes the extent of your relationship and there is nothing further to reveal.” He is shaking, hands balled in fists to his side, face flaming with scorn. “Now, let this be the end of it.”

  “He turns and blasts out of the exit without so much as a glance back in my direction.”

  “It’s pointless going after him, he won’t listen. You’re lucky he didn’t try to hit you.”

  Elliott creases his forehead in dismay, but retains sealed lips.

  “Come on, let’s get your gear and get out of here. We can talk about this in private when we settle at mine.”

  He puts his arm around me and pulls us so we’re touching side to side. We walk in silence back to my flat, he heads into my bedroom and picks up my overnight holdall.

  Flinging it over his shoulder he says, “Come on, I’ve got your stuff, let’s leave.”

  I look at the beautiful man who has made me happier than I’ve ever been and say, “Do you mind if I don’t?”

  He shrugs, knits his lips together in a downward smile. “Nah, if you prefer to hang here we can. It’s probably best you don’t ride that bike right now anyhow.”

  “I mean me, Elliott. Do you mind if I stay here?”

  “Oh? Erm, OK then.”

  “I just need some head space to process this. I’ll do it better on my own.” I tap his arm to soften the impact, I just need him to get out.

  “OK, well, I’ll call you later then.”

  “I’ll call you. Or see you at work. Thanks for this weekend.” I plant a peck on the lips which have given so much to me and usher him out of the door.


  So, it’s safe to assume there is more to Kyle’s upbringing than he lets on. I’m not sure what just went down there. I mull it over all that night and the next morning. I don’t have an option; I don’t hear from Kyle and as he asked for distance, I can’t very well go disrespecting that. If I do, how will I be any different from his father who clearly bears no respect for his son’s ability to make his own decisions?

  The first part of Monday is a disaster, I can’t concentrate on anything that will help me get that car around the track at a breathtaking pace. Knowing Kyle is just a few hundred meters away is a test of my self-control. I take myself off for a green tea and melt into the comfortable routine of observing the hue of the steaming water change as the contents of the mesh bag dissolve. I take my time, dunking the tea-bag, transfixed by the short-lived live collage. When the entirety of the cup is filled with a sufficiently murky fluid to be deemed ready to drink, I sigh and turn to rest on the communal bench.

  I hadn’t heard anyone come in, but Jessie is seated quietly.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  “You seem a bit flat. It’s not like you to take so much care over a cup of hot water. You normally dip your bag and run.”

  I laugh, but I don’t mean it, “Story of my life.”

  “Self reproaching too! What’s going on, Elliott?”

  I shrug, but plant myself across from her.


  I roll my eyes, “Is it that obvious?”

  She nods and protects my fist with hers. “Tell me.”

  “It’s ugly. I don’t know where to start…” I think, formulate a coherent order of words before talking again. “We went away for the weekend which was terrific. It was everything I could have dreamed of, Jessie. The absolute perfect time. But then, when we got back, we nipped around to his to collect some clothes and his dad turned up and caught us.”

  “Oh, caught you, as in…” She enlarges her eyes and spreads her jaw until the tendons on her neck are conspicuous.

  “Yeah, we were kissing in his lounge and his father stepped in.”

  “And he didn’t take it too well, I assume?”

  I shake my head, with a tight smile.

  “I see.”

  “Hmm.” I hesitate, recalling the scene in the lobby. “His dad, basically refused to discuss anything, disowned him and left.”

  “Oh no!” She squeezes my hand which is still resting under hers. We’re sober.

  “But, surely this will blow over, it’s just the shock.” She says.

  “I figured the same, but Kyle isn’t so convinced. His dad is big into his religion so… well, it perhaps should have been handled differently.”

  “Yeah, calls for a some PR.” She grins, but she’s being kind, making light of this.

  “Jess, that’s not everything. He said he needs space. I’ve not heard from him since. He stayed at his.”

  She clicks her tongue in her against the roof of her mouth, sucking in a fierce breath. “Ah, I see. And you’re concerned this is the end for you two. That he doesn’t think you’re worth the effort?”

  I steer my head to the right as I shrug. “I can’t call him, he asked me not to. So I have to stick around for as long as it takes for him to reach his decision without any control or input into the rest of my life.”

  “You really feel like that about him?” She pushes against the floor, back rigid.

  “I think so. I’d certainly like to be given the opportunity to find out.”

  “But, if you ignore Kyle’s wishes so you can tell him how you feel, you’ll piss him off because you’re also ignoring his requests?”

  “Exactly. Plus, I don’t want to be that clingy guy.”

  “You’ve got yourself a conundrum here. Listen, give him a few days, I’m certain he’ll come around.”